

As a plastic surgeon in metro Detroit who has been performing breast augmentation for over a decade, I can share with you that there are a handful of common questions we receive from patients as they prepare for their surgery.

One frequent question is, “How will my breasts look when I wake up from surgery?”

It’s important to realize that how your new breasts look immediately following your breast augmentation procedure is not how they will look once they are completely settled.

Read on to learn more.


For a variety of factors, how your new breasts look immediately after surgery is not how they will look once you are completely healed. And you may find that your breasts feel heavy, so adequate support is key.

When you are able to look at your new breasts, understand that they will appear bigger and sit up higher on your chest than they ultimately will. It takes a full three months (sometimes longer) for breast implants to “drop” into their final resting place. However, within about two weeks, you will see a significant change. This is because, in addition to swelling that comes from surgery, your muscle and skin need time to stretch to accommodate the new implants.


Another important factor is being aware of how you are likely to feel following your breast augmentation.

Upon awakening from your surgery, you will be taken to our recovery area. You almost certainly will feel groggy and tired. Additionally, you will feel a sense of pressure on your chest or as if you are sore from exercise. This discomfort may increase when you perform even simple tasks like moving your arms, washing your hair or even sneezing.

Rest assured that this feeling will subside once you fully recover, but will lessen substantially within a couple of weeks. Bear in mind, though, that everyone is different and that larger implants tend to cause more discomfort.

Moreover, for a good six weeks, you may not do any heavy lifting. We will provide you with a guideline for stretches and mild movements that will help your recovery process, as well as possible pain medication and anti-inflammatory medication to keep you comfortable.


It’s important that my patients and potential patients understand that myself and my staff are here for them every step of the way when considering any plastic surgery procedure. At my office, we specialize in not only breast augmentation in metro Detroit, but also breast lift, breast reduction and breast reconstruction in southeast Michigan.

Additionally, my office is proud to be experts in tummy tucks, mommy makeovers, liposuction, fat transfer and blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) in southeast Michigan.

If you would like to learn more about any of the treatments we offer, I invite you to set up a consultation where we can discuss your options in depth. We look forward to helping you feel your very best, much like we’ve been helping men and women in the area for over 10 years.